Monday, December 8, 2008

December already??

Is it December already? I didn't even post about Thanksgiving so... it was great.

The latest with our crew is as follows:

We finally have our beautiful boy back! We had been encouraging Griffin to get his hair cut for awhile only to be met with "no way". One day he came home from school and said "Mom, if you buy me a hooded sweatshirt I'll get my haircut short". I'm not above being black-mailed by my nine year old and so I immediately called Steve and told him to get home quick. We loaded up the family and were at the store in about an hour. Griff found a hoodie that he liked and we were off to the salon. We all about had a panic attack when the gal used clippers to cut the back of Griff's hair. It looks so good! He didn't like it at first, but we can tell he's getting used to it. He says he's growing it back out...
I'm thankful to all of the wise people in my life who gave me the advice to carefully pick and choose my battles. In the large scheme of things, it's just hair and in the end HE made the choice to get it cut. Whew.

So, if you look past the bulging bicepts you'll see Owen's injury. He was playing at a friend's house this weekend and got "hung up" on a barbed wire fence, ugh! It looked so gruesome. His friend told him "it will probably leave a scar, but that will be cool so when you show your muscles you'll have a scar on them" hence the picture.

This picture is to shock everyone who knows my McKay! McKay actually found a pair of LACE-UP Tennis shoes that tie and a pair of JEANS that button and zip. I can't believe she wears these. For her whole life, she's only wanted to wear slip on shoes and elastic pants (two sizes too big mind you). Yeah for McKay!!

We had the best time at our friend's house this week. We were invited to Family Home Evening and made white chocolate snowflakes! The kids were very creative and had fun running around and playing. We especially enjoyed the message about how each of us is different and unique, just like snowflakes. It really put me in a festive mood. Thanks guys!


My sister found a website that had the cutest dresses! They were an updated version of the 80's T-shirt dresses (remember those?) but the people were charging $60 and $70 dollars a dress. Between Sis, Mom and me... we figured out how to put one together and the girls love them. I think the bows were a little too much for Steve to handle. When I pulled out the camera, the girls started posing like crazy. It was hilarious, they're naturals!


Colemans said...

Your children our too cute. Love the dresses...I think it's hard for the men to handle froo froo things.haha That's exciting about the hair cut...I guess lucky for me (for now) my 8 year old likes it short. He actually tells me when it's touching his ears! Now my 6 year old is the one that worries me. He LOVES his hair. haha Love the FHE idea....gonna have to use that one. So creative.

Bastianclan said...

I'm with you there. it's Dec? Not only Dec but 14 days until Christmas. Wow a lot has happened. Crazy!!! Congrats on the hair cut. I was laughing so hard. Black-mailed by your 9 year old. (it happens to the best of us. Giggles.)
I love the girls dresses.
White Chocolate Snow flakes? How cool is that. Yummy too did you eat them or hang them???

Melissa Walton said...

April - you are so wise to pick your battles and then in the end it was his choice to cut it. For me it would be so hard to wait it out...but so worth it in the end! Your kids all look so cute and are growing up too fast! Miss you guys. I'm making the wassail this morning for our caroling at the nursing home and treats at our house after. Wish you could come!

Shauna said...

Stopping by to wish you a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna