Monday, August 3, 2009

Hunting Island, South Carolina

I am not a beach person. I love to look at the beach, I love to smell and hear the ocean and I love to walk along the beach... preferably in the fall, but that's where the love stops. I don't like to get in the water (maybe because I got stung by a jellyfish once or because my brother almost drowned in the ocean) I don't like to get sand stuck to me and my new dislike is fearing that my kids are going to get pulled under by a riptide.
Lately, Steve and the kids have been watching a lot of Discovery Channel. I didn't realize how much until I heard Griffin say this on the trip to the beach:
"No one swallow any water. If you do, you might swallow a plankton and you might get really sick." Hmmm... plankton wasn't exactly on my radar, sharks yes, Jellyfish - definitely. Despite my somewhat paranoid issues, I enjoyed spending time with my sister, Hillery and my Mom and niece and nephew Reagan and Logan. Here are some pics:

The drive into the park is awesome. It's like a jungle. Hunting Island is the least commercial beach I've ever been to. I highly recommend it (if you're a beach person :))

McKay having fun:

Now don't those waves look menacing?

Kaylee striking a pose. I love that she loved staying near the shore. She was afraid a crab would pinch her toes.

Owen: His yellow goggles made it much easier for me to spot him in the surf.

Griffin: Don't know what that face was all about? Maybe he loves the beach like his mother!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The cool air,
sand castles,
summer breeze,
crashing waves,
sand castles,
singing seagulls...
Did I mention sand castles?

Thats just the tip of the iceberg (Irony, LOL)! The beach is awesome!!!