Monday, August 3, 2009

Pioneer Legacy

My sister, Heather invited us to a special presentation that she wrote and produced based on the lives of the Mormon Pioneers. It was touching on several levels. First of all, it was amazing to see the talent that my sister has. Secondly, it was inspiring to see the Faith that the Pioneers exercised despite the many tribulations they faced. I'm so grateful for their example. I look at the world around me and the many trials and tribulations that my children will face as they grow up and find it easy to be overwhelmed. I'm so thankful that I was able to have a reminder that with the Legacy that has been left for my family by the Pioneers, I have the tools (Faith, Scripture, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) that will enable us to endure to the end.

Depiction of a home in Nauvoo, IL around 1842. The Pioneers left their homes and all their belongings, minus necessities to escape religious persecution. Notice the dolls that were so lovingly left behind.

Picture of the Nauvoo Temple. The women gave their China to the builders. The china was ground up and used in the exterior which created a beautiful shimmer in the walls.

A covered wagon. Most of the pioneers weren't lucky enough to have a wagon and instead pulled handcarts across the prairie to the West.

A tent in winter. Several handcart companies were caught in the mountains in early snowstorms. A group of rescuers left Salt Lake to help rescue the victims. Two young men physically picked up the weak members and walked them across a frigid creek, time and time again. They received physical injuries that stayed with them for the rest of their lives.

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