Sunday, October 12, 2008

Look out Broadway!

The Official Tech Crew

So the boys had their play "Old Time Rock and Roll" and it was so good! They started with music from the 1920's and went through the 1990's. Before we headed out to the performance, I was a little disappointed that my boys weren't actually "in" the play and were only going to be doing behind the scene Tech stuff. We got really good seats near the front (which were in high demand, of course) and sat back in breathless anticipation. About fifteen minutes before the play started, here they came... the "Tech Crew". I have to admit, they looked pretty impressive in their black t-shirts. As they passed our row, their Daddy yelled "Way to go Tech crew" and started clapping really loudly. I of course, shushed him but secretly enjoyed everyone knowing that these were my boys (especially since they probably wouldn't be seen again for the rest of the night). The boys looked embarrassed but I think they enjoyed the attention, they did after all get very busy adjusting buttons and lights to show us they meant business. Owen's job was to sit at the front of the stage and adjust the music and microphone settings which he did perfectly (he also controlled the disco ball for the 70's segment. I've never seen a disco ball spin so prettily). Griffin was behind stage but I got to see him twice during the performance. He came out the first time to strategically place a chair and the second time was during the song "Her Daddy took the T-Bird away" ( is that really the title?). He was apparently "Daddy" because he walked out "took the T-Bird" at just the right moment. At the end of the play, several adoring fans wanted to have their pictures taken with the Tech Crew (and no it wasn't mom and dad). The girls loved sitting up front on the floor with their friends from school. It was an enjoyable evening. The boys informed me that they will also be the Techies for the 1st grade play (yeah, girls) and the 5th grade play. Sounds like many more performances in the future.

Owen "on the mic"

Behind the Scenes

1 comment:

Lori said...

Way to go boys! I told your mom that you should put your tech crew experience down when you fill out your first job application. It shows that your teacher must think you two are pretty responsible. You had the MOST important job in the whole play.